Truth in Common
Truth in Common is a community built around shared values and purpose: To put an end to confusion and vitriol in our spaces. By blending relationship- and skill-building in small groups, the initiative restores trust while improving access to quality information. Truth in Common was inspired by a group Deanna convened in 2017 to talk about “fake news,” a concept that was swiftly becoming a household word, and revealed that respectful facilitation, listening and exposing manipulative practices can move the dial on this global communications crisis. Launched in early 2022, the Truth in Common community, workshop series and newsletter are informed by Deanna’s career in social and behavior change as well as the work of partners at NYU’s Cybersecurity for Democracy project and Mission Partners.
Pandemic-friendly coworking
In 2020, Deanna partnered with the nonprofit Festival Center to open a safe coworking space for neighbors, friends and family in her Adams Morgan community. She designed and set up the space using reused and borrowed goods, and worked there frequently during the pandemic with her new puppy, Sweet Pea.
DC March Lodging
Deanna joined a group of local moms in connecting students traveling to DC for the March for Our Lives in March 2018 with local families for free lodging. The group registered 1600 host families, matched around 500 incoming marchers, and addressed over 60 media requests from reporters at The Wall Street Journal, CNN, USA Today, local TV affiliates and more interested in the initiative story and that of both host families and visiting marchers.
Public education advocacy
Deanna serves on the board of DC International School, a multilingual, IB-for-all charter school for middle and high schoolers in DC, and advocates for collaboration between the DCPS and charter sectors. She also was a founding board member of PAVE.
Dance for Hope
Deanna hosted Dance for Hope, a dance party that celebrated a significant birthday and benefited local NPR affiliate WAMU, on the eve of the Women’s March in 2016.