PHOTO: Conservation International's M. Sanjayan and actor Lee Pace talk at COP22 in Marrakesh.PHOTO: Conservation International's M. Sanjayan and actor Lee Pace talk at COP22 in Marrakesh.
PHOTO: Conservation International's M. Sanjayan and actor Lee Pace talk at COP22 in Marrakesh.

Interim communications leadership

If you’re a nonprofit with a senior-level communications or media vacancy, worry no more. 3 Stories steps in, ramps up quickly, and keeps the trains running so you can focus on other things. In addition to mentoring staff, we can help with hiring and provide strategic counsel, integrated media support, content development, and operations assessments, as desired.

Client Stories

Conservation International Logo

Conservation International — Deanna led the communications team at Conservation International (CI) for over a year, standing in for vacancies at the VP and director levels. She managed and mentored junior team members through extensive internal changes, improved systems for outreach and tracking, and advised on integrated media strategy, hiring, risk and crisis communications and community engagement. She introduced a strategic planning framework, the first thought leadership strategy for CI’s climate team, and wrote messages and coordinated speaking opportunities for the organization at COP22.

International Women's Media Foundation

International Women’s Media Foundation — Deanna promoted IWMF’s annual Courage in Journalism Awards and Anja Neidringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Awards programs for multiple years, from media strategy to pitching to coordinating interviews onsite. Deanna stood in for two communications staff vacancies for several months, during which she developed and coordinated a Women #Journoheroes social media campaign, wrote feature articles about award winners, developed the media strategy and coordinated multimedia content. She wrote scripts and worked with ABC to create compelling and shareable videos of Courage winners, obtaining coverage for the Courage awards in outlets such as HuffingtonPost, Poynter, Deutsche Welle, New York Times Lightbox, AP, NPR, Cheddar, Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, EFE and more. She also pitched and ghost-wrote an op ed on attacks on women journalists that was published in MediaShift.